Reaching the World with the Message of God’s Grace

Missions Work in Africa
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Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth – Grace Beyond Borders International Nigeria, is dedicated to help spread the Gospel of Christ in Nigeria!

Grace Beyond Borders International is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Christ in Nigeria. Our vision and mission focus on sharing Christ’s teachings and love, impacting lives, and fostering faith throughout the country.


Grace Beyond Borders International Nigeria:

Transforming Lives through Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth

Through Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth, Grace Beyond Borders International Nigeria stands as a beacon of hope and transformation in the heart of Africa. Through its dedicated mission of teaching the Grace of God and Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth, this organization is making a profound impact on countless lives. In a country rich with cultural diversity and spiritual hunger, Grace Beyond Borders Nigeria brings clarity, purpose, and renewal through its unique approach to biblical teaching.


The Mission and Vision of Grace Beyond Borders International Nigeria

Grace Beyond Borders International Nigeria aims to spread God’s grace and truth across Nigeria by accurately interpreting the Bible. Their vision is to transform lives and communities through a deep, practical understanding of biblical truths. They achieve this through teaching programs, workshops, and outreach initiatives. The organization is committed to inclusivity, reaching people from all backgrounds to build a diverse, united community of believers.

Key Principles of Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth

Rightly dividing the Word of Truth is a foundational principle in the teachings of Grace Beyond Borders International Nigeria, based on 2 Timothy 2:15. This principle underscores the need for accurate interpretation and application of the Bible.

Firstly, it involves understanding the historical, cultural, and literary contexts of biblical passages to avoid misinterpretations.

Secondly, it highlights the importance of distinguishing between different dispensations in God’s plan, ensuring believers grasp how specific instructions apply across various periods.

Lastly, it advocates for a literal interpretation of Scripture unless context suggests otherwise, preserving the integrity of biblical teachings.

By following these principles, Grace Beyond Borders Nigeria equips believers to grow in their faith and apply biblical truths effectively, enhancing both personal spiritual development and communal understanding.

Ear rings
Head Dress

Challenges and Triumphs in Teaching the Grace of God

Teaching the Grace of God and accurately interpreting the Bible in Nigeria presents challenges, including the diversity of Christian denominations and economic hardships. Many face resistance or misunderstand the message due to varying beliefs. Economic difficulties hinder access to teaching sessions and resources.

Grace Beyond Borders Intyernational Nigeria overcomes these by offering free or low-cost programs and using digital platforms. Their commitment to sound biblical teaching has earned a reputation for doctrinal integrity, with many testimonies of transformed lives. Strong partnerships with local churches and organizations further extend their outreach.

Future Goals: Expanding the Reach of Grace Beyond Borders International Nigeria

Grace Beyond Borders International Nigeria is focused on ambitious future goals to expand its reach and impact. The organization plans to establish additional teaching centers across Nigeria to serve as hubs for biblical education, community support, and outreach. They aim to enhance their global presence by developing online resources and digital platforms, making their teachings accessible to a wider audience.

Additionally, Grace Beyond Borders Nigeria seeks to train and equip more leaders to ensure sustainable growth and effective dissemination of their message. The organization also plans to increase community engagement through outreach programs, partnerships with local organizations, and addressing social issues from a biblical perspective, aiming for holistic community transformation.

Grace Beyond Borders Conference

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